Swing Riders
Become a supporting member today and help us move closer to the goal. Consider donating something back to the NDOC from your own events (remember we’re a nonprofit too) or raffling a print for us (we’ll even send it to you). Help us find sponsors for our fundraisers. Make a tax deductible contribution to our fundraiser, donate autographed books or CDs, western memorabilia, DVDs, used tack, photographs, art, prints, gift certificates, old horse trailers: anything you think might help us raise some revenue. Donate a percentage of your eBay sales to National Day of the Cowboy (a MissionFish certified charity). Sign up for the National Day of the Cowboy News.
Musicians – Please mention in your show and your travels that the 4th Saturday in July is the National Day of the Cowboy and encourage your fans to celebrate it. Rodeo announcers, when you’re searching for something to say to fill dead air, please remind the fans that the 4th Saturday in July is the National Day of the Cowboy and we need to have them celebrate!