2024 Membership Pin
Supporting Membership Program
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the National Day of the Cowboy must rely primarily on supporting memberships, fundraising, grants, sponsors, and donations for our funding. Our continued campaign success and our work for heritage preservation depends upon your involvement and generous financial support.
Your membership dues and financial contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and support this worthy cause. If you believe the preservation of this unique aspect of our heritage and culture is important; we agree with you wholeheartedly – IT IS important. But, if you think someone else will take on the responsibility for keeping it alive and protected, ask yourself if you want to risk the possibility that they may not do that. Don’t depend on others to protect this special element of our history. Consider becoming a supporting member and/or making a donation now, before our window of opportunity to preserve and protect it closes forever. It will be infinitely harder to revive interest in our heritage and reclaim it if we let it slip completely out of our loop.
National Day of the Cowboy 501(c)(3)
Supporting Membership Form: (Print and fill out to mail in. Form is not needed if you use PayPal “Buy It” button.)
Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________
Street address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________State: _____ Zip: ________Country_______
Phone: _________________________________ Alternate phone: ___________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________
♦ Please include any additional member names and contact information ♦
Membership Levels
___$1,500 (CTB) Corporate Trail Boss, 25 Cards, 25 Pins, 6 Hatch Prints ♦
___$1,000 (LTB) Lifetime Trail Boss, 1 Sterling Silver Engraved Lifetime Membership Card ♦
___$ 500 (RUC) Roundup Captains (Selects Cowboys for roundup) 15 Cards, 15 Pins, 4 Hatch Prints ♦
___$ 250 (TRK) Tracker (Rides ahead of the herd) 10 Cards, 10 Pins, 2 Hatch Prints ♦
___$ 100 (LRB) Line riders (Looks after employer’s interests) 5 Cards, 5 Pins, 1 Hatch Print ♦
___$ 75 (CRR) Corrida (Unit of Cowboys) 4 Cards, 4 Member Pins ♦
___$ 40 (BRP) Brush Popper (Expert running cattle in brush country) 2 Cards, 2 Member Pins ♦
___$ 20 (OTR) Outrider (Commissioned to ride anywhere) 1 Card, 1 Member Pin ♦
___$10 (BBK) Button Buckaroo (Kids under 10) 1 Card, 1 Member Pin, ♦
* *PLEASE Add $5 for S&H in the USA (add $9 outside the USA)* *
If you prefer to pay by check or postal money order,
please ADD $5 for S&H (ADD $9 outside the continental US)
Make payable to:
National Day of the Cowboy. Mail dues along with completed form to:
National Day of the Cowboy
PO Box 506
Amelia Court House VA 23002
♦♦ Membership is for a period of one year. Dues may also be paid by check, money order, or through PayPal. Send us an email if you’d like to receive a PayPal invoice for membership. Donations may also be made through PayPal to [email protected]. Dues and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Shirt Off Your Back.
We also accept donated items (think western shirts you no longer wear, or cowboy boots you want to get out of your closet) and we are an eBay approved charity so you may donate a percentage of any of your eBay sales or purchases to our organization by selecting “National Day of the Cowboy” from the drop down list of charities when you list your item or pay for an item.
Thank you for supporting the work of the National Day of the Cowboy 501(c)3 organization and contributing to the preservation of cowboy and cowgirl culture.