We’d love to have your help the National Day of the Cowboy with a simple little media campaign. It will only cost you 34 cents, the price of a postcard stamp, to take part. Did you know cowboys Dusty and Lefty star in “The Lives of the Cowboys” segment every Saturday night on “A Prairie Home Companion” on National Public Radio? We’d like to ask you to send them a postcard telling them there is an official National Day of the Cowboy on the 4th Saturday every July. Add something like you hope as cowboys they will be proud to know that and that they’ll plan to celebrate the day. Maybe then if they decide to do something special, we’ll get to listen in on their conversation about it! Thanks so much for taking a moment to help us build awareness!
Please address your postcard to:
Dusty & Left…y, The Lives of the Cowboys
C/O Kathy Roach
Prairie Home Productions, LLC
611 Frontenac Place
St. Paul, MN 55104